N.J. Peralta Engineering Ltd
N.J. Peralta Engineering Ltd
45 Division Street North
Kingsville, ON
Contact Information
Phone: (519) 733-6587
Email: admin@peraltaengineering.com
Website: www.peraltaengineering.com
Company Type
- Engineer
Company Description
- N.J. Peralta Engineering Ltd. has been providing Consulting Engineering Services for a broad scope of Civil Engineering projects within the County of Essex, the Municipality of Chatham-Kent, and the City of Windsor and continues to expand its services to other parts of Ontario and the United States. As a Canadian Consulting Engineering firm, our office provides complete Professional Engineering Services on various types of projects. These services include design, report preparation, contract administration, and construction field services for municipal and private projects.
Classified Listings for this Company
- Consulting Engineer
Contact Person
- Adams, Stacey